Porfolio Introduction!

Either you’ve stumbled upon this site because you’re one of my FIQWS professors to whom would I’ve emailed this link, you happen to be a CUNY student stumbling upon this site, or you’re just a bypasser wandering around and happen to come across this website… well, either way, it’s nice to meet you!

My name’s Ruth Alvarenga and this is my FIQWS portfolio for Fall 2022! Here you will find all of my assignments from my topic class to my strictly writing class. Each assignment is contained within the word docx file. So to view it, you’ll have to download it (It’s also listed on the topic of the website so I hope there is no problem when navigating for it). It’s all there though! By the way, to differentiate between my topic and writing class, I labeled the topic assignments as “topic” in brackets, that way what you need to find will hopefully be there! This has been a great semester and to my instructors reading this, you are the best instructors I’ve ever had. 🙂
Thank you!